St. Thomas Flight Centre Ltd.                  

    Sexual Harassment Policy


St. Thomas Flight Centre Ltd. Is committed to providing all students and staff with a sexual violence and harassment free environment, in which all persons are treated with dignity and respect. This document represents St. Thomas Flight Centre’s policy on sexual violence and harassment. This policy outlines training, reporting, prohibited behaviors, the investigation process and disciplinary actions to be taken in the event of the reporting of sexual violence or harassment.

Violence or harassment will not be tolerated from any person including staff, students and customers. The objective of this policy is to make all parties affiliated with the St. Thomas Flight Centre aware of what constitutes sexual violence and harassment and the procedures involved in addressing allegations or reported incidents of sexual violence and harassment within the organization. This policy also contains information about support and services that are available locally to those who are affected by sexual violence and harassment.

A copy of this policy shall be included in the enrollment package provided to students at the commencement of their vocational training program.


Sexual violence means committing, threatening or attempting any sexual act or an act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without that person’s consent. Sexual violence incudes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.


For students, staff and customers who have been affected by sexual violence or harassment and wish to file a complaint, report an incident or who need information about support services, please contact;

David Hertner – Operations Manager STFC           

Email –          Cell – 519-871-2118


Students who disclose their experience of sexual violence through the reporting of an incident of, making a complaint about or accessing supports and services for sexual violence, will not be asked irrelevant questions during the investigation process by the staff or investigators, including irrelevant questions relating to the reporting person’s sexual expression or past sexual history.

Flight School students that if, in good faith, report an incident of, or make a complaint about, sexual violence, will not be subject to discipline or sanctions for violations St. Thomas Flight Centre’s policies relating to drug or alcohol use at the time the alleged sexual violence occurred.

St. Thomas Flight Centre acknowledges the right of any person who has experienced behavior prohibited by this policy to not report the incident or make a complaint regarding the behavior, to not request an investigation and to not participate in any investigation that may take place.

St. Thomas Flight Centre will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that any personal information of the persons involved and where possible, details of the incident itself be kept strictly confidential. In some circumstances, St. Thomas Flight Centre may be obligated by law or internal policies to provide personal information to parties involved to authorities in instances where there is risk of harm to any of the parties involved or parties external to the incident.


Investigation of Sexual Violence Reports


All reports of sexual violence will be considered serious and will be handled in

accordance with this policy. Whenever St. Thomas Flight Centre receives a report

or complaint of Sexual Violence, we will respond promptly in executing the

following steps.


Gather information to determine if an investigation is merited and if the

reporting/complaining party wishes to participate in an investigation of the



If an investigation is merited, determine who is best suited to conduct the

investigation, with consideration to the parties involved, any conflicts of interest

and the expedition of the investigation.


Determine if Police or other authorities need to be contacted with regard the reported Sexual Violence. Where Police or Authorities become involved, St. Thomas Flight Centre still complete the internal investigation warranted by this Policy and provide its own determinations regarding the reported incident.


Where safety of students, staff and/or others may be a concern while the

investigation is being conducted, implement interim measures to ensure the

safety of everyone while the investigation is conducted.


Where it is appropriate for an investigation to proceed, all parties involved will

be advised that an investigation will be conducted. All individuals involved will

be advised at that time that they are permitted to have another person with them

throughout the investigation process.


Interviews will be completed with all parties involved as well as any witnesses or

individual(s) that may have knowledge of the alleged incident. The person

submitting the complaint / report shall be the first person interviewed to ensure

that all required details have been obtained and any details missing from the

written report (which should include the individuals involved, time and location

of the incident, names of any individuals that may have witnessed the incident

and a complete description of the occurrence.


Throughout the investigation process, all parties directly involved will be

provided with reasonable updates on the status of the investigation.


Once the investigator believes they have gathered all pertinent information that

is reasonably available, the investigator will provide a report that summarizes

the information gathered, determine if sexual violence occurred place, determine

what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken per this policy.


Accommodation of Affected Persons



Whenever a report or complaint of sexual violence has been received, St. Thomas Flight Centre will make appropriate accommodates for students or staff that have been affected by sexual violence. Students and staff seeking accommodation should contact the General Manager.


St. Thomas Flight Center will assist affected individuals that have experienced sexual violence in obtaining counselling and medical care. St. Thomas Flight Centre will provide them with information about supports and services available in the community, which can also be found below in the Resources section of this policy. Individuals are not required to file a formal complaint to access support and services.


Disciplinary Action


If it is determined by St. Thomas Flight Centre that a person(s) identified in a complaint or report did engage in sexual violence, immediate disciplinary action will   be taken. This may include:


  • disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment of

instructors or staff; or


  • expulsion of a student; and /or


  • the placement of certain restrictions on the individual’s ability to access

certain premises or facilities; and/or


  • Any other actions that may be appropriate for the circumstances.


Should either party not agree with the decision resulting from the investigation, the individual may appeal the decision to the General Manager, in writing, of the intent to appeal within 10 days of receiving notice of the decision.


  • It is a violation of this Sexual Violence Policy for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of sexual violence or to provide false information about a complaint.


  • Individuals who violate this Sexual Violence Policy are subject to disciplinary/corrective action up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff or expulsion of a student.


  • It is a violation of this Sexual Violence Policy to retaliate or threaten to retaliate against a person who has brought forward a complaint of sexual violence, provided information related to a complaint, or otherwise been involved in the complaint investigation process.


Collection of Student Data


St. Thomas Flight Centre shall collect and be prepared to provide upon request,

by the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges such data and information as

required according to Subsections 32.3(8), (9) and (10) of Schedule 5 of the

Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 as amended.




St. Thomas Flight Centre and its staff are responsible for:


  • Providing a learning and training environment that is safe and free from

sexual violence.


Provide training to ensure management, instructors, staff and students are

aware of this Policy, the investigation process and their rights and

responsibilities in maintaining an environment free of sexual violence.


Management, instructors and staff are responsible for reporting incidents of

or complaints of sexual violence upon becoming aware of them.


Taking all reasonable steps to ensure that allegations, complaints or incidents

reported under this Policy are handled promptly and effectively.


Taking all complaints filed and/or incidents reported under this Policy

seriously and in good faith.


Creating a written record for any complaints or incidents that come to the

knowledge of St. Thomas Flight Centre and where appropriate, arranging for a

formal investigation into allegations of sexual violence.


Offering support and services to any student or staff who is a victim of sexual



Students/Customers are responsible for:


Reading this Policy (and updates to the Policy) and familiarizing themselves

with their rights, obligations and the processes involved.


Helping to create an environment that is free from sexual violence.


Not engaging in any behavior that is contrary to this Policy.


Students are encouraged to promptly report all incidents of sexual violence

following the procedures set out in this document. Delayed reporting may

diminish the ability to investigate and respond effectively to any complaint or

incident. Students are also encouraged to contact emergency services in

response to an immediate threat of sexual violence.


Co-operating with and participating in investigations under this Policy to the

greatest extent possible when they have witnessed sexual violence, believe

they have been harassed or discriminated against, have been the victim of any

other form of violence and maintain confidentiality of any complaint and

investigation process in which they are involved.


Policy Development and Review


This Sexual Violence Policy shall be reviewed as required or at least once every

36 months to ensure the Policy remains relevant, appropriate and meets

regulatory standards. During such reviews, St. Thomas Flight Centre will

endeavor to include student and staff input is considered in relation to the future

development of this Sexual Violence Policy.


St. Thomas Flight Centre shall collect and be prepared to provide upon request, by the

Superintendent of Private Career Colleges such data and information as required

according to Subsections 32.3(8), (9) and (10) of Schedule 5 of the Private Career

Colleges Act, 2005 as amended.


Appendix A


The following represents a partial list of support centres:

Violence Against Women, Services Elgin County

Toll Free: 1-800-265-4305



Canadian Centre for Men and Families – St Thomas

Local Phone: 519-914-5702

Toll Free: 1-844-900-2263



Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres Ontario

English – Assaulted Women’s Helpline

Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511

#SAFE (#7233) on Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile

TTY: 416-364-8762



London Sexual Assault Centre London

24 Hour Crisis Support Line: (519)-642-3000

Office 519-642-3003,

Toll Free 1-800-265-1576

TTY: 519-439-0690




London Abused Women’s Centre

Office: 519-432-2204




(This Policy Last Revised on May 1, 2024)